Python Basics

An Introduction to Tuples in Python

Tuples in Python, a data structure that is similar to lists but immutable. It covers constructing tuples, indexing and slicing them, and basic tuple methods. The concept of immutability is discussed, highlighting its fundamental feature. Tuples are useful for storing related values that should not be modified and are faster and more compact than lists.

Python Dictionaries: Key-Value Pair Mapping

Python dictionaries are powerful and flexible data structures that store data in key-value pairs. Dictionaries are unordered, mutable, and keys are unique. This article explains how to construct, access, and modify dictionaries, as well as how to create nested dictionaries and use some of the basic dictionary methods.

Working with Lists in Python

comprehensive overview of working with lists in Python, including concepts like defining lists, accessing elements through indexing and slicing, concatenating lists, using basic list methods like append, insert, remove, pop, sort, and more.

String Formatting in Python

Comprehensive overview of the three methods for string formatting in Python - Placeholder Method using % character, .format() Method, and f-strings. The article explores each of these methods with examples, and provides a detailed explanation of the differences between the %s and %r placeholders, as well as techniques for controlling the display of floating-point numbers in string formatting

An Introduction to Strings in Python

Basics of strings in Python, including how to create strings, use indexing and slicing to access individual characters, and understand the immutability property of strings

Numbers and airthmetic Operators in Python

Featuring an Analysis of Types of Numbers, Basic Arithmetic Procedures, the Distinction between Classic and Floor Division, and Object Allocation.

Work on Jupyter Notebook:Shortcut Keys

The effective use of Jupyter Notebook enhances coding efficiency and the article highlights various shortcut keys

Get Started with Jupyter notebook

This guide provides a step-by-step process to help you download, install and set up Jupyter notebook on your computer.

Get Started with Python: An Installation Guide

This guide provides a step-by-step process to help you download, install and set up Python on your computer.

Importance of Python in Data Science: A Overview of its Role and Advantages

The Advantages of Python in Data Science: Easy to Learn, Versatile, High Demand, Large Community, and Equipped with Libraries for Data Analysis, Visualization, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.